Power PDF Advanced
Taking Full Control of Your Documents

The Leading PDF Software

Gain control of all your PDF conversion, editing, forms, and collaboration processes


There is no doubt that PDFs are an integral part of virtually any line of work. From personal projects to managing important documents, you’re likely to deal with a lot of PDFs on your job. For this reason, having a software package that ensures full control over your PDFs is of the utmost importance.

Going with freeware is always an option, but most of the time not a very good one. Sure, it will save you some money but it can add a lot of complications to something that should be easy to handle. For this reason, Kofax offers Power PDF Advanced.

With this software, all aspects of working with PDFs are covered. You won’t have to face limitations when it comes to features, compatibility, or delivering high-quality, accurate work. To give you an idea of how Power PDF 5 Advanced does this, here are some of the most important features that you can expect:

Fast File Creation and Conversion

Thanks to the ribbon-style user interface, which most of us are already familiar with, creating PDF documents is a smooth process. One of the main benefits of Power PDF 5 is how customizable it is.

You can configure your own quick access toolbar to include all the features you use regularly. You can search for any information you want easily thanks to a customizable search function. Pretty much all the features that make editing PDFs easily are there.

Also, scanning and converting files to different formats are fast and accurate. If you need to edit paper documents, you can do it simply with the one-click scanning option. From there, you can edit your documents easily and get a faithful reproduction of even the most complex of objects.

Merging and exporting files into different formats is no trouble for Power PDF 5 Advanced. Thanks to its support for the new PDF 2.0 format, you can import data from multiple programs and they will be compatible with any other PDF software.

Complete Security

Pretty much all businesses have very sensitive data and documents. For this reason, making sure that they don’t fall into the wrong hands is essential. Power PDF Advances uses 128-bit and 256-bit AES encryption to keep your files safe and ensure that the only persons that can read them are the ones they’re intended for. You can also use permission controls and FileOpen rights management to further enhance the safety of your files.

Another feature that hides all the sensitive information that you want hidden is its redaction feature. Simply redact the parts of the document that you don’t want anyone to see and you won’t have to worry about your information being revealed to others.

With all these security measures, there’s no doubt that your documents will be kept safe, and that you can share them without worry.

Document Signing

To make sure they follow the modern technologies that today’s businesses use, Kofax has added a feature that is useful in many situations. DocuSign allows you to sign PDF documents or send them to someone to be signed.

This feature eliminates the inconvenience of having to sign paper documents, which can save you a lot of valuable time. Simply apply your signature electronically, and your documents will be ready to go.

Ease of Use

Despite having all kinds of features that might sound complex at first, one of their main goals is to ensure that their users can take full advantage of Power PDF Advanced without the need for a long learning process.

Kofax made sure that the software is intuitive and easy to use, regardless of the user’s skill or previous experience. If you need any further assistance, you can always take a look at some of their resources, which are designed to expand your knowledge regarding PDF management.

Individual/Group Work

If you want to ensure that your team works together as productive as possible, Power PDF 5 Advanced can be a great addition to your business. It allows your team members to collaborate on different projects easily, since they have all the necessary tools to stay connected and create high-quality PDFs.

They’ll be able to work in real time and connected to the same network, which ensures the easy flowing ideas. Since the importance of teamwork is well-known, this will ensure a performance boost.

On the other hand, if you’re using the software on your own, rest assured that it will be able to handle all kinds of projects. If you’re publishing a book, you can easily merge files from MS Office programs into one comprehensive project. If you have to handle a lot of PDFs, all the features in Power PDF Advanced will make this a much simpler task. Regardless of what project you’re working on, as long as it involves PDFs, this program will deliver great results.

How Will Your Work Benefit From This?

As we’ve said, PDFs are used on a daily basis in virtually all organizations. Getting swamped with all kinds of documents can be a drag on your productivity. To make sure you avoid this, it might be a good idea to use a software package that can give you full control over your files.

As you can see, Power PDF 5 Advanced is packed with all the features that a business needs in order to minimize the time spent on routine tasks that consume a lot of time. It also comes with all the editing options needed to create all kinds of PDFs. So if this comprehensive software package sounds appealing to you, feel free to check it out and decide whether it would be a good addition to your work.


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