PDF Creation and Conversion

Make It Easy for Your Business!

Have documents always look the same

PDF Documents

PDF stands for portable document format and therein lies its main benefit; i.e. it is a file format that is easily transferred without any changes to its original layout. We may have our own favorite applications to produce a report, create a chart or write a user manual, but at the end of the day, if the recipients of your documents cannot view your documents the way you meant them to be viewed (or worse, they can't even be opened!) then all your hard work is moot. For this purpose, PDF creation and conversion software is an important part of any business process. The reason for this is that it ensures that the documents you share are viewed exactly as they were created regardless of the software and hardware configurations of its recipients.

Another reason PDF files are often used in business is due to file size issues. How frustrating is it to rush a deadline and send it off just at the last minute only to get a message in your Inbox later/tomorrow that the recipient(s) did not receive your message because your attachment was too huge? Well, PDF conversion saves you from this problem as PDF files normally take only half the file size of the original document. This is great for archiving purposes too!

PDF files are also great for online purposes as they are indexed. This means that a PDF file that's published on your online space can be searched over the Web. And as any online business owner knows, being searched and found is the key to online success.

Lastly, with the ever-increasing threat of being infected by malicious software (malware), businesses are opting for PDF files because they are considered more secure and thus less able to be infected by adware, worms, Trojans and others.

Of course, PDF files are not just about sharing documents that are easily received and viewed by your intended recipients; consider the cost savings PDF files bring to your business! Think about it; documents (e.g., important reports, company and/or contract forms that need to be signed immediately, etc.) that are not viewed perfectly when received can cause tremendous delays for your business. The fact that PDF files are searchable also means increased usability of the document within your organization (and thus time and money savings again!).

Power PDF – The Answer to Your PDF Woes

Without a doubt, PDF files have made their importance felt in business so isn't it about time you ventured into converting your documents into PDF as well? If you think that this means tremendous investments in time and money for your business, think again. With solutions like Power PDF you'll actually be thinking why you haven't made 'the switch' earlier!

Companies all over the globe have already adopted PDF as their 'publishing standard'. Why be left behind? Check out Power PDF and Power PDF Advanced from Kofax and be one of those companies that KNOW how things should be done in the Digital Age. In addition, check the Power PDF for Mac, if you are a MacOS user.


Power PDF Software for PC and Mac